Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice (Prospective Purchaser or Tenant)

The Data Controller connected with this Privacy Notice is Westmont Associates Limited.

1. Purpose (Purchaser or Tennant)
In this instance your data is being processed for the specific purpose of buying or renting a property through Westmont International.

1.1. Lawful Basis
The collection of your data for this purpose is under the Lawful Basis of Contract because we require this information in order to manage the formation and execution of a contract between you, the Investor / Buyer and the Developer / Seller of the property.

1.2. Information Collected
The personal data we will collect and process about you in connection with this purpose may include:

1.2.1. Name
1.2.2. Address
1.2.3. Telephone number(s)
1.2.4. Email Address
1.2.5. WeChat Address
1.2.6. Nationality
1.2.7. Occupation / employment details
1.2.8. Company details (if a company purchase)
1.2.9. Proof of ID
1.2.10. Proof of Address
1.2.11. Proof of funds
1.2.12. Credit Card details (to pay the reservation fee)
In addition, we may collect other non-personal data such as:
1.2.13. Lawyer’s details
1.2.14. Finance – Adviser’s / Broker’s details
1.2.15. Bank details

1.3. Retention
Under the Lawful Basis referenced in paragraph 2, your data will be retained to the end of the financial year in which your property purchase is completed and for a further 6 years thereafter in accordance with HMRC requirements for financial record keeping. Thereafter some details of the property will be retained indefinitely for historical record keeping purposes, to aid any future evaluation of the property, past sales activity and property value.

2. Destruction
At the end of this retention period your data will be destroyed using an approved method unless prevented by Court order.

3. Data Sharing
Whilst we control your personal data we will need to share this data with the following parties, for the following purposes, in order to provide you with the services you are seeking from us. These data sharing arrangements are governed by contractual clauses or a specific data sharing agreement:

3.1. Developers whose property Westmont International has been asked to market, for the purpose of arranging viewings.

3.2. The Seller / Developer for the purpose of expediting the purchase.

3.3. The Buyer’s and Seller’s / Developer’s lawyers for the sole purpose of facilitating the purchase. The details of these firms will be made known to you in the Memorandum of Sale, which will be issued to all parties at the point at which the purchase is agreed, subject to contract.

3.4. Regulatory bodies within the United Kingdom, such as Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC) as legally required.

4. Rights of the Data Subject

4.1. Under the General Data Protection Regulation, you, the Data Subject have certain rights regarding the control and processing of your personal data. Details regarding your rights can be found on the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) website.

4.2. Should you wish to contact Westmont International in order to exercise any of these rights, please email our Data Protection Administrator using the following email address: [email protected]

5. Security

5.1. Recognising the importance of personal data to our consumers, we endeavour to put in place appropriate organisational and technical measures to protect that data.

5.2. Personal data we hold on electronic media is encrypted and stored in a secure data centre located in the UK.

5.3. We do not generally hold personal data on paper. Where we do take it, we shred it just as soon as the details have been transferred onto our IT systems.

5.4. We will also monitor any emails sent to us, including file attachments, for viruses or malicious software. Please be aware that you have a responsibility to ensure that any email you send is within the bounds of the law.

6. Additional Services
As a consumer of our services, we may occasionally contact you to make you aware of other similar services we offer, which we feel could be of assistance to you. Such communications will be sent to you under the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations and you will be given the option to opt out of similar communications on each occasion.

7. Data Protection Concerns
Should you have any concerns regarding the way an organisation is processing your personal data, the ICO recommends that in the first instance you contact the organisation concerned. If the organisation does not address those concerns in an appropriate manner, you then have the option to escalate the issue to the ICO. If you wish to contact us because you have concerns about our use of your personal data, please contact us using the details provided in paragraph 4.2.

8. Updates
This Privacy Notice is kept under review, and it is update as appropriate. It was last updated on 21st October 2022.